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We like you.You are the customer


Video recording (performer: Emma Leaper, synthesised voice), pico-projector, speaker and lead, form-board cutout, timber brackets and tensioned-wire supports (as installed for Future Ritual, Spike Open 2015, Bristol.

‘Retailers, Museums, Hotels, Attractions, Mass Transit, Schools, Hospitals, Trade Expos, Doctors, and Offices are finding the Holographic Greeter a must-have for engaging the Customer and meeting marketing objectives. They also find the Holographic Greeter to be one of their most valuable employees by delivering their message 24 hours a day, seven days a week…no coffee breaks, no smoke breaks, no calling in sick!’

Digital technology is increasingly denying us our fundamental place within capitalist society, that of contributing our human labour.

(Also adapted as performance (with handheld projector and screen) at On, Southbank, Bristol (2015).

Hello customer!
[show teeth].
Welcome to.
Future Ritual.
Future. Ritual.
We like. You.
And we like. You.
But we. We. Don’t like. We don’t like. You. Or. You! Or even. You!
You don’t. Fit the norm. You don’t. Match the algorithm.
But we like. You! You are the Customer.... [Extract]

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